
Advanced Semiconductor Technology Laboratory

International journal
P-GaN/p-AlGaN/AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistor with a threshold voltage of 6 V
Title P-GaN/p-AlGaN/AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistor with a threshold voltage of 6 V
Info D. -G. Kim, J. -H. Yim, M. -K. Lee, M. -S. Chae, H. Kim and H. -Y. Cha
Name IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 45(6), pp.972 - 975, Jun, 2024
Link 관련링크 274회 연결
P-GaN/p-AlGaN/AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistor with a threshold voltage of 6 V