
Advanced Semiconductor Technology Laboratory

International conference
46 Design consideration of high power LED arrays for backlight … Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices(AWAD), Sapporo, Japan, July 9-11, 2008. B.-R. Park and H.-Y. Cha
45 Electrical and optical modeling of 4H-SiC UV photodetectors Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 25-27, 2008. H.-Y. Cha, B.-R. Park, S. Soloviev, J. Fronheiser, A. Vertiatchikh, and P. Sandvik
44 Fabrication of GaN nanowire field effect transistors by diel… Int. Conf. on Electronic Properties of Two-dimensional Systems and Modulated Semiconductor Structures, Genova, Italy, July 15-20, 2007. S. H. Hong, M. G. Kang, M. H. Son, H. Y. Cha, S. W. Hwang, and D. Ahn
43 Avalanche multiplication and impact ionization in separate a… ICSCRM 2007, Otsu, Japan, Oct. 14-19, 2007. W. Loh, J. David, H. Cha, S. Soloviev, P. Sandvik, and C. Johnson
42 Observation of luminescence from defects in 4H-SiC APDs oper… ICSCRM 2007, Otsu, Japan, Oct. 14-19, 2007. S. Soloviev, P. Sandvik, A. Vertiatchikh, and H. Cha
41 GaN ballistic NDC diode for potential THz applications International conference on superlattices, nano-structures and nano-devices, Istanbul, Turkey, July 30-Aug. 04, 2006. Dyson, B. K. Ridley, H.-Y. Cha, X. Chen, B. Aslan, W. J. Schaff, M. G. Spencer, and L. F. Eastman
40 Comparison of 4H-SiC separate absorption and multiplication … 5th IEEE Conference on Sensors, Daegu, Korea, Oct. 22-25, 2006. Ho-Young Cha, Stanislav Soloviev, Greg Dunne, Larry Rowland, Scott Zelakiewicz, Peter Waldrab, and Peter Sandvik
39 Study of dark currents in 4H-SiC UV APDs with separate absor… European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Sep. 3-7, 2006. Stanislav Soloviev, Ho-Young Cha, James Grande, and Peter Sandvik
38 Ballistic electron acceleration negative-differential-conduc… IEEE Lester Eastman Conference on High Performance Devices, Ithaca, NY, Aug. 2-4, 2006. Aslan, X. Chen, W. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, H.-Y. Cha, A. Dyson, and B. Ridley
37 High voltage AlGaN/GaN HFETs with Fe-doped GaN buffer on sil… Electronic Materials Conference, University Park, PA, June 28-30, 2006. Young Chul Choi, Milan Pophristic, Ho-Young Cha, Boris Peres, Michael G. Spencer, and Lester F. Eastman
36 Electrical and structural characterization of GaN nanowire b… International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, Dec 7-9, 2005. G. Koley, L. Lakshamanan, Ho-Young Cha, and Huaqiang Wu
35 Correlated electrical and structural properties of GaN nanow… Fall MRS Conference, Boston, Nov. 28 - Dec. 2, 2005. G. Koley, L. Lakshamanan, A. Khan, Huaqiang Yu, Ho-Young Cha, and M. G. Spencer
34 Nanoscale capacitance-voltage measurements on AlGaN/GaN hete… Fall MRS Conference, Boston, Nov. 28 - Dec. 2, 2005. G. Koley, L. Lakshamanan, N. Tipirneni, M. Gaevski, A. Khan, Ho-Young Cha, and M. G. Spencer
33 Influence of Small Doses of Gamma Irradiation on Transport a… 18th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations(ICNF2005), Salamanca, Spain, Sep. 19-23, 2005. S. A.Vitusevich, M. V.Petrychuk, A. Kurakin, S. V.Danylyuk, A. E.Belyaev, H.-Y.Cha, L. F.Eastman, and N.Klein1
32 Design Considerations of a New 4H-SiC Enhancement-Mode Later… International Conference on Silicon Carbide Related Materials, Pittsburgh, PA, Sep. 18-23, 2005. Y. C. Choi, H.-Y. Cha, M. Chandrashar, C. I. Thomas, L. F. Eastman, and M. G. Spencer
