
Advanced Semiconductor Technology Laboratory

Domestic conference
148 P-GaN 게이트 AlGaN/GaN 이종 접합 트랜지스터의 P-GaN 재활성화 공정 제 30회 한국반도체학술대회(The 30th Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Feb. 13-15. Y.-R. Yang, J.-H. Yim, W.-H. Jang and H.-Y. Cha
147 Trench MIS 구조를 갖는 수직형 GaN PIN 다이오드의 구조 최적화 제 30회 한국반도체학술대회(The 30th Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Feb. 13-15 S.-H. Lee, J.-J. Kim, C.-H. Kwak and H.-Y. Cha
146 Thin-AlGaN/GaN MIS Gate HFET with ALD AlN 제 30회 한국반도체학술대회(The 30th Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Feb. 13-15 W.-H. Jang, J.-H. Yim and H.-Y. Cha
145 Enhancement-mode GaN MOS-HFET with Integrated Clamp Circuit 제 30회 한국반도체학술대회(The 30th Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Feb. 13-15 J.-H. Cho, S. Shin and H.-Y. Cha
144 Normally-off Operation of GaN MOS-HFET with clamp circuit in… 제 5회 반도체공학회 종합학술대회 (The Institute of Semiconductor Engineering), Yangjae, Korea, Dec. 07 J.-H. Cho, S. Shin and H.-Y. Cha
143 GaN Vertical PN Diode with Trench Field-Plate 제 5회 반도체공학회 종합학술대회 (The Institute of Semiconductor Engineering), Yangjae, Korea, Dec, 07 S.-H. Lee, J.-J. Kim, C.-H. Kwak and H.-Y. Cha
142 P-GaN 게이트 AlGaN/GaN 이종 접합 트랜지스터의 p-GaN 재활성화 공정 제 5회 반도체공학회 종합학술대회 (The Institute of Semiconductor Engineering), Yangjae, Korea, Dec, 07 Y.-R. Yang, J.-H. Yim, W.-H. Jang and H.-Y. Cha
141 TCAD Modeling of Enhancement Mode β-Ga2O3 based Transistors 제 5회 한국산화갈륨기술연구회(The 5th Workshop of Korea Research Society of Gallium Oxide Technology), Daejeon, Korea Aug. 30 - Sep. 1, 2022 Gokhan Atmaca and H.-Y. Cha
140 Electric Field Management of β-Ga2O3 Lateral MESFETs 2022년도 한국전자파학회 하계학술대회(The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science), Jeju, Korea, Aug. 17-20. Gokhan Atmaca and H.-Y. Cha
139 Thin AlGaN 장벽층을 갖는 고감도 수소 센서 2022년도 한국전자파학회 하계학술대회(The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science), Jeju, Korea, Aug. 17-20. W. -T. Choi, H.-J. Oh, J.-J. Kim and H.-Y. Cha
138 PEALD AlN 패시베이션을 통한 P-GaN/AlGaN/GaN HFET 소자 연구 2022년도 반도체공학회 하계학술대회(The Institute of Semiconductor Engineering), Busan, Korea, Jul. 11-13. J.-H. Yim, W.-H. Jang, J.-J. Kim and H.-Y. Cha
137 SnO2 나노입자층 형성 및 UV 조사를 활용한 AlGaN/GaN 기반 상온 동작 수소 센서 2022년도 반도체공학회 하계학술대회(The Institute of Semiconductor Engineering), Busan, Korea, Jul. 11-13. W.-T. Choi, J.-J. Kim and H.-Y. Cha
136 Hexagonal Si Epilayer on 4H-SiC Substrate Grown by Mixed-Sou… 제 29회 한국반도체학술대회(The 29th Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Jan. 24-26. G.-S. Lee, K.-H. Kim, S.-H. Mun, S.-Y. Kim, S.-H. Mun, J.-H. Park, J. -H. Lee, H.-S. Ahn, H.-S. Jeon, H.-Y. Cha, W.-J. Lee, S.-M. Koo and S>-W. Kim
135 Growth of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with AlGaN Buffers on 100 & 150 mm… 제 29회 한국반도체학술대회(The 29th Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Jan. 24-26. D.-H. Kim, C.-H. Song, S.-T. Lee, C.-Y. Cho, K.-M. Song, D.-S. Park, W.-H. Jang, H.-Y. Cha, J.-H. Lee, K.-J. Lee, M. Han, S.-M. Lee, K.-H. Park and C.-S. Shin
134 Enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMT Fabricated without Plasma Et… 제 29회 한국반도체학술대회(The 29th Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Jan. 24-26. W.-H. Jang, J.-H. Yim, T.-H. Kim and H.-Y. Cha
