
Advanced Semiconductor Technology Laboratory

Domestic conference
43 Effect of p-GaN Back Barrier in 2DEG of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on S… 제23회 한국반도체학술대회(The 23rd Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Feb. 22-24. K. Ko, K. Lee, B. So, C. Heo, K. Lee, and O. Nam, S.-W. Han, and H.-Y. Cha
42 AlGaN/GaN-on-Si Device with Monolithic Gate Driver 제23회 한국반도체학술대회(The 23rd Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Feb. 22-24. S.-H. Park, S.-W. Han, H.-S. Kim, and H.-Y. Cha
41 Study on Temperature Dependent Dynamic On-resistance and Swi… 제23회 한국반도체학술대회(The 23rd Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Jeongseon, Korea, Feb. 22-24. S.-W. Han, S.-H. Park, H.-S. Kim, and H.-Y. Cha
40 Low-temperature Au-free Fabrication of Normally-off AlGaN/Ga… 제2회 LED,반도체조명학회/한국광전자학회 학술대회, Gwangju, Korea, Jan. 26-27. H.-S. Kim, S.-W. Han, S.-H. Park, and H.-Y. Cha
39 In-situ SiNx 막을 이용한 AlGaN/GaN 전력소자의 동적특성 개선 제2회 LED,반도체조명학회/한국광전자학회 학술대회, Gwangju, Korea, Jan. 26-27. 한상우, 김현섭, 박성훈, 차호영
38 Normally-off operation of AlGaN/GaN-on-Si MISHFET Integrated… 제22회 한국반도체학술대회(The 22nd Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Seoul, Korea, Feb. 24-26. S.-W. Han, J.-G. Lee, and H.-Y. Cha
37 다이오드 브릿지 내장형 AlGaN/GaN 양방향성 전력소자 제22회 한국반도체학술대회(The 22nd Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Seoul, Korea, Feb. 24-26. 박성훈, 한상우, 박봉렬, 차호영
36 Extraction of Interface Trap Density by using Frequency Disp… 제22회 한국반도체학술대회(The 22nd Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Seoul, Korea, Feb. 24-26. S. Choi, Y. Kang, J. Kim, S.-J. Choi, D. M. Kim, H.-Y. Cha, H. Kim, and D. H. Kim
35 Proton Irradiation Effects on Normally-off AlGaN/GaN MISHFET… 제22회 한국반도체학술대회(The 22nd Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Seoul, Korea, Feb. 24-26. D. Keum, J. Choi, H.-Y. Cha and H. Kim
34 Normally-off AlGaN/GaN MOSHFET의 Differential Subthreshold Id… 제22회 한국반도체학술대회(The 22nd Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Seoul, Korea, Feb. 24-26. 최준영, 강영진, 최성주, 김대환, 차호영, 김형탁
33 Low Temperature Au-free ohmic contacts without recess etchin… 제4회 한국광전자학회(The 4th Conference on Korea Society of Optoelectronics), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 20-21. H.-S. Kim, J.-G. Lee, and H.-Y. Cha
32 Extraction of Interface Trap Density Through Differential Su… 제4회 한국광전자학회(The 4th Conference on Korea Society of Optoelectronics), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 20-21. J. Choi, Y. Kang, S. Choi, D. Kim, H.-Y. Cha and H. Kim
31 High-Quality PECVD SiO2 for Normally-off AlGaN/GaN-on-Si MOS… 제4회 한국광전자학회(The 4th Conference on Korea Society of Optoelectronics), Seoul, Korea, Nov .20-21. J.-G. Lee, H.-S. Kim, K.-S. Seo, and H.-Y. Cha
30 E-mode SiNx/AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMT with high threshold voltage a… 제4회 한국광전자학회(The 4th Conference on Korea Society of Optoelectronics), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 20-21. M. Lee, H. Ryu, R. Ki, H.-Y. Cha, and K.-S. Seo
29 Normally-off GaN MOSHFET의 후열처리에 따른 SiO2/GaN 계면특성 연구 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회, Jeju, Korea, Jun. 25-27. 이재길, 이정연, 한상우, 차호영
